keep moving

baca post kali ni sambil dengar lagu, Amnesia - 5SOS.
feeling gituh.

salam pagi buta to all readers,
idk why, aku terbangun pukul 3pagi and buat bodoh infront of the computer. asshole to myself. i opened so many tab and doing nothing. hell yeah, dumb ass is back! luls

have u ever felt that feelings, how much u fucking missing on someone. but then, u realized, how stupid u were. bcs chasing on a shadow, who doesn't loves u back.

"life must go on, stop waiting and looking at the past" kata seorang sahabat kepada sahabatnya.

this is so me, im type of 'pusing belakang' and looking at the past for no reason. tak tau kenapa aku masih berdiri dan lihat benda yg sudah tiada. yg kabur di mata. makin lama makin hilang. hilang daripada pandangan.

"I wish that I could wake up with amnesia
And forget about the stupid little things" 
- Amnesia, 5SOS -

i wish i could.

"everything happened there must be a reason" kata seorang sahabat kepada sahabatnya.

i put 100% trust on Allah, He knew what the best for me/us. anggap ini ujian. ujian untuk diri sendiri, this thing, make me strong enough to face the reality even i hate the 'reality'.

"stop blaming Him" kata sebuah akal kepada hati.

Allah tak seksa kita, Allah sayang kita semua. Allah tahu kita kuat sayang sayang sekalian :)

terima kasih.
aku masih tak bersedia dengan sekolah esok pagi.

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